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Thank You For Purchasing Photolemur Your Account Is Now Ready

Check your email for the instructions on how to get started.
Look for our email that we just sent to you.
Launch Photolemur and enjoy a better way to make great photos!

PS: Photolemur is 100% safe to download and use, the “Google Drive can’t scan this file for viruses.” warning is on default placed on all files above 25mb.

PS: Photolemur is 100% safe to download and use, the “Google Drive can’t scan this file for viruses.” warning is on default placed on all files above 25mb.

Steps To Access Your Purchase and Bonuses

Activate Your VideoElementsFX Account

Please check your email you used for purchasing Photolemur Spectre.

You should have received an email from JVZoo with your receipt and one from ‘VideoElementsFX’ or ‘VideoElementsFX Members’ with access instructions:

Please note: This email can take up to 30 minutes to be delivered to you.

If you did not receive an email please check your spam folder, then contact our helpdesk. 

Your access information is in this email. See sample screenshot below:

Login to our members area with your username and password. If your username or password is blank please follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Download Photolemur For Your Computer

Photolemur is a desktop software, so you will have to install it onto your computer.

Activate Premium Serial Key License

Activate Premium Serial Key License

1. Log into your VideoElementsFX Account (Access instructions above)
2. Click on the ‘Licenses’ tab.
3. Copy the license serial key.
4. Open Photolemur (Once you have installed it)

The first time you open Photolemur, you’ll need to choose ‘Activate with the serial number’ and enter your email address and the serial number, that you’ll receive. Once you do that, you can begin using Photolemur.

Access Your Bonuses:

​If you have not received an email/password from us please reset your password using the link below:

(Click on forgot password)

If you can’t reset your password please contact our support desk with your receipt

If you have problems accessing your purchase please contact our support desk.

Photolemur Is Joint Launched In Partnership With VideoElementsFX

© VideoElementsFX 2018 – Privacy Policy • Terms and Conditions • Refund Policy

© Photolemur 2018 – Privacy Policy • Terms and Conditions